Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Slugterra Episode 13 Season 1 - Mario Bravado

Pronto gets captured for spitting out gum in a part of town that it is illegal to do that so the gang tries to free Pronto and the rest of the prisoners who were punished unjustly, but to do that they need to land a crazy trick shot the first try fails miserably but Kord remembers a master trick shooter Mario Bravado who ran into Doctor Blakk and bet into quitting trick shooting forever and lost so he never did another trick shot again, they found him working in a Pizzeria called Ricochet Pizza because he uses his slug to ricochet of different things and make the pizza.

Eli tries to persuade him into helping them with a master trick shot to free Pronto and the rest but instead Mario decides to teach Eli how to trick shoot by making pizza's and ricocheting the slug off different things to make the pizza, he eventually gets it and Mario joins him. Eli finds out that Pronto is on a speeding train heading into a tunnel and has to separate Pronto's wagon from the main express. 

Eli does a really good trick shot and does it he switches the path of Pronto's wagon but it leads to a dead end and Mario does a crazy trick shots and frees all the prisoners and opens the wagon and all but Pronto make it and pronto is falling to his death when Eli trick shoots a slug that catches Pronto and he lives. Mario goes back to his Pizza job again and Eli thanks him and offers him a place in the team but Mario said not now.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Slugterra Episode 12 Season 1 - Undertow

Slugterra Episode 12 Season 1


In this Slugterra episode 12 you can watch how while riding through the mystifying Flumes, a river that flows beneath Slugterra, the Shane Gang runs into Pirate Captain Malvolio Drake.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Slugterra Episode 10 Season 1

Slugterra Episode 10 Season 1

Endangered Species

On a very slow and painful day (thanks to Pronto's home cooking) Trixie talks the gang into a slug hunt for the rare and near-extinct Enigmo slug. As they arrive they find out that they aren't the only ones hunting for the Enigmo, minus one couple waiting to simply buy it. Eli and his gang try to talk the other hunters to stop cutting down the forest because it is also destroying the other native slugs habitat, they agree that cutting it down is a bad idea and decide to simply smoke the Enigmo out with Flaringos.

During the fight between them, Eli stumbles onto a deadly slug trap and a slug about to fall in it! Eli quickly saves it and returns to the dueling area to tell the hunters off for how dangerous their traps are and how the slug was almost seriously hurt. To Eli's surprise Trixie reveals that the slug he saved is the Enigmo, at that moment the true owner of the trap, a feared slug hunter named Stocker, who demands the Enigmo and the trap back. When Eli refuses a shoot-out between the gang, Stocker and his slughounds ensues with Eli using the Enigmo and getting hit by it in a backlash, Trixie saves Eli and asks what did the Enigmo look like when it transformed to which he replies he wouldn't know cause his vision became distorted.

Now the gang must find the slug, evade Stocker and his hounds and guide Eli around, during the hunt for the slug each member tries to save it from one trap after another since it seems to enjoy playing near or on them. Kord gets shot with a hundred slug tranquilizes, Trixie is caught in a cage and Pronto gets caught in a pit trap (ironically) leaving Eli to face off against Stocker and his hounds solo. After pulling off some good evasive maneuvers and using Chiller and Spinner to swing away from the hounds only to crash and get cornered by Stocker, who now has the Enigmo.

With Eli keeping him busy, Burpy talks one of Stockers slugs to switch with the Enigmo and Stocker hits Eli with the slug and fix his vision. They face off one more time but this time Enigmo hits Stocker causing him to leave in a daze, Eli frees his friends and as they talk about how "eh" the Enigmo's ability is. Pronto "accidentally" leads them back to the rich couple where they ask Eli how much he wants but Eli declines since it was such hard work just trying to save him, let alone catch him. So they head back to their Mechas with Pronto still trying to convince Eli to sell the Enigmo.